Monday, December 27, 2021

A Fan

 Let me be your fan

Your follower.
The one who likes what you do,
Shares your perspective.
The one who tells the world,
Through your eyes,
How beautiful diversity is.

Let me be the one,
Who stands by your side,
When things don't feel right,
When you may think you need aid.
Let me be the faith,
That you are heard,
That you are right,
That it's ok.
OK to breathe,
OK to believe,
OK to just be,
OK to be, you-and-me.

Let me tell you too,
That I seek no more,
Than to know that you are happy.
That you are enjoying your journey,
That you are doing well,
That you have stories to tell.

For I too am a seeker,
A mere seer in the sea.
Who has only to take,
And little to give,
Just a thought, no plan.
For I am, but your humble fan. 

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